Friday, September 27, 2013

Hello again family!

Here's the 500 page questionnaire that we put together for Allyse to answer when she got to email us yesterday. It is extremely long. Dad actually got quite clever and had here copy it down and answer the questions offline so it wasn't using up her allotted internet time. Apparently you can have more time on the computer than on the internet.

Pictures will be at the end of the post, so you have to read the entire thing to get to them.

N-Joy! (Tayson)

First of all, I love you all more than you can possibly imagine!!!  I miss you so incredibly much!!!  I hope everything is going well for you all!!!  Happy Birthday Dad today! I hope it is a great day for you and I am so glad I get to talk to you on your birthday!!!  Happy Birthday Taysonon Sunday!!! I am sorry I won´t be able to talk to you then.  I hope you have an incredible day and that you have fun with your license and your Sweet Sixteen. I can´t believe it!!!  These are just a couple of quick things I have been wanting to share with you this week, I wish I could share it all!!!
  • In Spanish, you use "Tu" when addressing Heavenly Father.  Tu is actually the not formal more a friend kind of way to say you.  I love this because it is more personal and is an example of the relationship we should have with our Father in Heaven.
  • My companion shared this scripture that I just had to share!!! Enos 1:16 - I am helping to fulfill this covenant by preparing to take the Book of Mormon to the Spanish Speaking in Chicago.  How cool is that?  My mission, and that of so many others, was prophesied of in the Book of Mormon!!!
  • In Sacrament Meeting on Sunday, it is all in Spanish,  and Elder was giving a talk and mentioned the movie Hitch and WIll Smith.  Everyone started laughing a little uncomfortably because it was Sacrament Meeting and he was talking about the movie Hitch.  All I could do was ask myself "Is that different for missionaries?" Rather than "white people".  Haha, get it ?
  • Some of the Elders in my District found out I like Studio C and started reenacting parts to make me laugh.  It made me think of you guys and hope you are still laughing at and watching Studio C :)
  • On Monday, our Investigator we have been teaching prayed and yesterday he said he would prepare to be baptized in October!!! Even though it is just pretend, it is still the most incredible feeling knowing you have helped someone feel the Spirit and come closer to their Savior!!!
  • The Temple was so great! I listened in English, it is still the old movie, through the headset, but some in Spanish!
  • How was Iron Man?
1. Who is your companion?
My companion's name is Herman Woolf.

2. Where is she from?
She is from Provo, Utah :)

3. Where is your companion called to serve? (and tell us anything else about your companion)
She is also going to Chicago! She is 20 in November. She is nice and very artsy. It is amazing how the Lord works. Here we are automatically friends because we are companions and both going through this crazy experience!

4. When you flew out of Cedar, do you know why the plane sat for so long on the taxiway? Why it taxied back towards the terminal, only to taxi back to the north end of the runway?
We were waiting to be cleared to take off and then they told us that we had to get out of the way for some other air traffic coming through.

5. How was your plane change in Salt Lake? Did you have time to get yourself some food?
The plane change was fine. We got dropped off at this little terminal where you got out on the tarmac and had to walk into a little building. I then found my way, asking for directions, to my new terminal. I wasn't even thinking about food at that point so I just waited until my zone was called for boarding.

6. Tell about LAX, we were concerned about you making it clear around the airport to the other side to get on your other flight, especially since your flight from Salt Lake was a little late in arriving at the gate and you had less then an hour?
LAX was scary. It was HUGE! I got off the plane and there was an Indian (from India kind) waiting there to tell us where to go. He told me to take the escalators down and I would find the right terminal. I took the escalators down but all of the signs said Terminal 7 this way ( I needed terminal 2) and it was this weird underground passage. It didn't look or feel right so I turned around, went back up, and searched for someone else to ask. There was no one so finally I went up to a lady at one of the gates and asked her. She gave me better directions and I was able to find the ground transport to the other terminals. I had to wait for the shuttle for a long time but it finally came. I then had to wait for the shuttle to stop and go at Terminals 6, 7, & 1. Finally we got to 2. I hurried inside but there was no signs of where to go from there. I had to wait for a lady to explain in charades where to go to a Chinese man before she could help me. Turns out this tiny elevator is the only way into the terminal! I finally got up to security and it was a LONG line. I was watching my watch (No pun intended :) knowing I was cutting it really close. I finally got through security with no problems and practically ran (as much as I could having to hold up a skirt I found out was too big to stay up on its own and lugging to big, heavy bags :) to my gate. I got there and found the waiting area empty and got worried. But I asked the lady at the gate and she checked my passport, had to print me a new AeroMexico boarding pass, work with my checked luggage, and then finally I was let on the plane! Everything and Everyone was Spanish and it was kind of intimidating!

7. You mentioned the meal on the airplane was interesting, more details please.
Just that I have never had a meal on a plane on the way to Mexico :) It was a type of grilled cheese, grapes, and cracker peanuts.
Funny Story: As we were descending into Mexico City (I was in an isle seat, I had been in a window seat for my other flights) I was craning my neck trying to see all that I could through the fog and darkness of my first view of Mexico & Mexico City. There was an older Native couple sitting next to me and the lady, noticing my craning my neck trying to see, asked if it was my first time to Mexico City. I told her yes and we talked for a bit about why I was there, it was kind of fun :)

8. You said the first missionary that you met was as you were clearing customs. How did you know they were a missionary? Was it an Elder or Sister? I bet that was a relief to have someone to be with while at the Mexico City Airport.
I had just got my checked bags, much to my relief. I had been terrified all day that my luggage wouldn't make all of the plane changes I did :) But it was there and I was feeling really self conscious because I had so much compared with everyone else :) Then I noticed another younger woman with just as much as me. I was thinking to myself, well at least I am not the only one with so much! And then I realized she looked different from everyone else, kind of like a missionary. I looked at her and she looked at me and we both started, "Are you..." and then both started laughing because we were so relieved and excited. It was nice to have someone, but actually the time that we got there at, the airport was EMPTY and there was no lines for customs or immigration!

9. After you cleared customs, and got your baggage from baggage claim (I assume your two bags made it there okay) was someone waiting to pick you up, or did you have to wait?
See Attached Picture :)  He was waiting right outside immigration and walked up to me and said "Hola Hermana". Apparently I was pretty easy to recognize as a Sister Missionary :)

10. How was the drive to the MTC?
The drive was actually just fine. It was just me and the Hermana I met in customs so it was just a white van rather than a big bus. It was interesting though just because in Mexico City, there is no such thing as lanes, there are HUGE potholes and speed bumps everywhere, everyone honks just to let you know they are there, it was dark, and there is about 2 feet of water on the road in some places. It was really neat!!!

11. Who greeted you when you arrived at the MTC?
Because it was late, about 9:00, there wasn´t really anyone specific to greet us. A Hermano gave us our packets with everything we need and then told us to email our families and watch an Intro video to the CCM. We then were told where our Casas were and told to go there. There were some Elders finishing at the same time Hermana Michael (the one I met in Customs) and I finished so a Hermana asked them to make sure we got to our Casas okay. The sidewalks, even in the CCM, are a lot like the roads. HUGE cracks and puddles. It is really hard to manage two huge suitcases, a purse, and a duffle bag. I was doing the best I could moving them all, really slowly I might add, and my two suitcases hit a crack in front of me ( Pushing in front is a lot easier than lugging behind) and we all fell down ( all my luggage and me :) It was great! I was laughing, covered in mud, and everyone was all worried about me. What a way to start my CCM experience!
I got to my Casa and my Companion´s things were there but she wasn´t. So I unpacked, and unsure what to do next, went to bed, exhausted! In the morning I found out she had gone to sleep in some other Hermana´s room because I wasn´t there yet. We think she went in about 5 minutes before I got to the Casa :)

12. What all happened that first evening at the MTC?
Look above :)

13. Tell us about your district?
My District is great. There are 4 companionships of Elders and then Hermana Woolf and I. The Elders are all 18 year olds that just graduated high school, like me! All of the Elders are headed to the same mission in Honduras, except for one, my District Leader, who is going to Philadelphia. The Elders are really fun. Two of the Elders are from Star Valley, they knew each other before, and they know Bert & Denise Kunz. One of them lives by them. You will have to ask them about Elders Oviatt & Shumway.

14. Do you have one main teacher for your district? Who is he/she?
Yes we do. Her name is Hermana Callejes. She is a native of Mexico City and has been home from her mission for a year. She is super nice and a really good teacher. We should also meet our other teacher tomorrow. He has been the investigator that we started teaching on the second day, and will be our teacher now that we finished teaching him. Although, we aren´t supposed to know that :)
15. Did they issue you all of the books you had told us about? Scriptures?
Yes they did. The bag is huge and heavy! This is a picture of my Birthday present that I got on my Birthday :)

16. How is the MTC food there?
The food is fine. Some of the stuff is interesting but isn´t too weird. I haven´t really had any problems and a lot of the food is really good! Today was Carne Asada, and it was my favorite so far.

17. How is the water situation?
Really interesting for a girl from Southern Utah who just gets it out of the tap when she wants some :) They give us a filtered water bottle. I started to use it the first day but the taste was HORRIBLE!!! It was a charcoal filter. So I took the filter off and just get the water out of the filtered dispensers they have everywhere and it is a lot better.

18. Is there anything you need or would like us to send you?
Mail would be great :-)

19. How was your birthday? Details on your day?
My Birthday was great!!! Super different from anything before of course! Some Hermanas from another district in our zone/branch found out it was my birthday and organized their District to come in and sing to me (it is Elder Bolton´s District) and give me a gift. It was so neat!!!

20. How is your Spanish coming?
My Spanish is getting better each day. It was really rough because we started teaching an Investigator, completely in Spanish, our second day here!!! It was super hard and really scary but is getting better each time!!! It is amazing how quickly you learn here!

21. Have you gotten to go out into the city at all?
No, the CCM is surrounded by a 30 foot high fence and we are not allowed anywhere near the fence. My first time outside since coming in was today going to the Temple.

22. We need to know your favorite scripture so we can get your plaque made?
I am thinking D&C 31:3
Will you please pick a picture from the Missionary - Missionary Picture folder on my computer? Mom´s favorite?
Illinois Chicago - Spanish Speaking
Allyse MayLynn Meanea

23. Where are the other Elders/Sisters in your district going on their missions to?
Number 13

24. Have you had any MTC wide devotionals? Anyone amazing speak to you?
Yes. We had one Sunday and one TuesdaySunday we watched a video from Provo MTC from April 2013. It was Elder Scott on Prayer and Personal Revelation and it was AMAZING!!! Try and see if you can possibly find anyway to watch/read it because it was incredible!!!Tuesday was Elder Bednar from October 2012 about studying General Conference Addresses and it was really great too.

25. Tayson wants to know if you have heard any gunshots?
Yes, I hear gunshots everyday. One day was an epic gun battle while we were in class. It lasted for a long time and then there was sirens everywhere. We also here what sounds like cannons occasionally. Right now there are a lot of loud fireworks at all times of the day because they just celebrated Independence Day here earlier in the month and are still on a high from that! No Joke about any of it!!!

26. What do you feel was your miracle on that day you left for your mission? (we have our ideas, but would like to know your thoughts)
I feel like getting here safely, making all of my planes, finding that Hermana in customs, being able to leave, and not crying the whole time were all huge miracles! What do you guys think?

27. How many missionaries are there going to Chicago? Those are future companions!
A lot! A huge group left just before we got here, Alainey Carter was in that group.

28. How are you feeling? Have you been well?
I am feeling really good. Sometimes are ridiculously difficult and I get super homesick. But I am doing better now!

29. How has the weather been?
I love the weather here. It is rainy season so it rains every evening and the natives treat it like winter there. They where scarves, huge coats, and beanies. It is the perfect temperature for me, never too warm. Sometimes at night I actually get chilled!

30. Emily wants to know if you have seen cockroaches yet?
Not yet Emmers and I am hoping to keep it that way!!!

Thank you too all of my family that is sooooo supportive! Thanks for the Emails and thank you Aunt Sherece for the Dear Elder!!!  I love you all so much and can´t thank you enough!
Yo sé que este iglesia es veradero.  Yo sé que Jesucristo es mi Salvador.  Yo sé que nuestro Padre Celestial tiene amo por nos y quiere nos estamos feliz.  Yo sé que nosotros todos podemos estar missionaros!!!
I love you all so much!  Please know how much I love and miss you guys!  This is the hardest thing I have every done in my life but I know it will be worth it.  I just keep thinking that I have you all for Eternity, no other options, but I am out here, away from you guys for just 18 months so others get the opportunity to be with their families forever!  It will be worth it!  I love you all so much & can´t wait to talk to you again!!! Bye!!!
Eternal Love,

Hermana Allyse Meanea

(from Tayson) PS: Okay, it took way longer to read on Gmail, I swear.

Sometimes there are HUGE holes in the middle of the road!!!

Sometimes they fix cars on the road!!!


There is still Walmart, Sam's Club, McDonald's and Blockbuster!

Typical CCM Lunch

My Birthday Gift from the CCM

My Birthday Gift from my district

My District at the Temple

My Room

Some people run out in front of cars to wash windows for a peso!

Some taxis are old Bugs!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Beginning! (From the list of creative titles )

Hello family!
Your friendly blogging fiend Tayson here. I just wanted to hop on really quick and let you know that I'll. Be posting all of Hermana Meanea's letters for the next 18 months. Reading mail is technically a federal offense, but that's alright! We'll do it anyways!
Sister Meanea left for the Mexico MTC today, and had her family crouching anxiously around the computer all day waiting for her arrival email. It's finally come, and the content is included herewith.
You guys! I am here! Safe and in one piece!  It is amazing and scary and incredible and peacful, and chaotic, all at once!  I miss you all more than you know.  I came the whole way on my own and wasn´t with another missionary until customs.  The plane rides were good and I was safe.  LAX was fun to find my way around but we did it.  The inflight meal was interesting. Did you know that a TON of Spanish people drink tomato juice?  Just like we drink milk! I love you all so much!  It seems like such a long time since this morning! I hope that you are all doing well.  Tayson, good luck at Cross Country tomorrow.  Emmy, cuddle Sister Teddy hard.  I have my name tag! I am official :)  Sorry this email is so chaotic, I  just don´t know where to even start.  I have already met a sister that is Chicago, Spanish Speaking. We met in customs.  The Sister at reception said that there was like six of us (Chicago) here at the CCM right now!  I love you all so much and can´t wait to email again so I can tell you all about life at the CCM in Mexico!  Let all the family know I love them and appreciate them so much!  Have a good night, know you are in my prayers!  I love you all sooooo much!!!  The Church is true, this is where I am supposed to be.  18 Months will fly by and I am sure we can´t even imagine the blessings!
Good Night!
Hermana Allyse Meanea
We all love you Allyse! Let your training begin!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One Week!!!

In less than a week I will be in Mexico City at the MTC!!! I received my travel plans last week, I actually will fly out on the morning of the 17th, before I am 19!  Words cannot express how excited I am to begin this adventure.  I know that it is going to be hard, but it will all be worth it.  I hope that as I serve, I will be able to recognize the Spirit and follow its promptings.  I want to strengthen my testimony of The Book of Mormon.  I want to humble myself to be able to do anything that the Lord desires of me.  I want to serve the people of Chicago and be a light and example to bring them to a knowledge of the truth.  Thank you for all of your love and support, I would not be doing this without the influence and example of each of you.  I cannot wait to write you in a week and let you know that I am actually in Mexico City and starting my grand adventure. I hope to here from you and here how things are going.

I know that this is the true and living church.  The Book of Mormon was written in ancient times for OUR day.  By reading it, I have found so many passages that can apply directly to me and my point in life.  I know that this is true for everyone.  If you read The Book of Mormon with a prayer in your heart and a desire to learn,  things will pop out at you and a seed of testimony will begin to grow.  It is a slow process, a process of a lifetime in fact, but that is the purpose of faith and trust on the Lord.  If we rely on Him and His Atonement,  all things are possible.  The Atonement is not just for sins.  Because our older brother suffered in Gethsemane, He understands EVERYTHING that we feel.  When no one else can help or understand, He does.  He loves us more than we will ever know.  If we come unto Him, He will comfort and buoy us up.  I cannot wait to share these truths with the people of Chicago so that they can feel the same peace and love that I have been so blessed with.

See you in Eighteen!!!