Monday, February 10, 2014

Burned Out Home, Lost Cell Phone, Car Stuck in the Snow = Great Week!

Hello Everyone! I hope you all are doing incredible, I know you are! This was a really good, pretty busy week...

Snowy Chicago Winter
Monday night we had exchanges with the Hermana Training Leaders (who also happen to be the other set of Hermanas serving in our Spanish Speaking ward). Hermana Jones came to our area and I stayed here with her. We went looking for some former investigators and less actives and then went to the Noche de Hogar with the C...... Family. It was really good, we watched a video about about our Father in Heaven's Work and Glory.

Tuesday was a good day. We went and taught one of our investigators. We taught the Restoration, emphasizing on authority. It went super well and she seemed to understand really well. We then spent the rest of the day going around to the homes of former investigators, seeing if any of them had interest to learn more. We ended up getting invited in at two houses and we taught the Restoration. Those lessons went really well too and they want to continue learning!
Did I mention we had
a LOT of snow?

Wednesday's District Meeting was cancelled because it was a really bad snowstorm. Instead we had a conference call with the Zone. It was good but kind of awkward because they had us sing hymns and everything. We discussed goals and are planning on a good month. Next we had an appointment with Hna. M........., a less active. She is so nice. We had a lesson on Christ being chosen as our Savior and then she fed us some good food. We were supposed to have a lesson with a recent convert/less active tonight but after we picked up the member we were taking to go with us and then went to the his house, he wasn't there.

My Trainer (aka "Mom") Hermana
Toney and I at the Sisters Conf.
Thursday we had Sister's Conference where all of the Sisters in the mission got together. The theme was "Accessing the Power of the Atonement" and it was so good. It was so fun to see everyone and be together. We also had a self defense and a workout class, so that was interesting! That evening we ended up spending with the West Hermanas. We went and got food at a Taqueria and enjoyed our dinner hour together.

Our lovely burnt out house
we knocked on the door of!
On Friday we did a lot of looking for people. Our appointment that morning fell through but we had a great one with a member who fed us some good food. We then went looking for former investigators. One really funny story from this day is that it was really cold and windy so we had our faces kind of tilted down in our scarves. We knocked on one house where a former investigator lived, both of us thinking we weren't sure if anyone lived there because it looked a little in disrepair, but here in Chicago you can never be sure. No one answered so we decided to move on. Once we got back down to the sidewalk I happened to look up at the house and saw the entire second floor was burnt out! Of course no one lives there! The best part? There was a mailman sitting in his van right there and we are pretty sure we gave him a great laugh because we just knocked on this burnt out house! We then had MCM that night. It was interesting because he fed us and then just wanted to talk because we found out he is being released.

Saturday we spent a lot of weekly planning because we hadn't had time earlier in the week. We then went looking for some investigators, none of which answered the door. We had another funny/cool story from this night too. Hermana Black and I were walking along, talking, and all of the sudden I look over and Hermana Black is gone. I look back and see her falling, just like a cartoon with legs up and everything, on some crazy slick ice. We both laugh, luckily she wasn't hurt too bad and continue walking. Now this sounds pretty boring until about an hour later when we finally get back home. She reaches into her jacket pocket to get the cell phone so we can call some people, and discovers that it is gone! After thinking and searching, all we can think is that it fell out when she fell on the ice. So we make our way back over to where she fell, praying the whole way. 2 hours after losing it, we find the phone, sitting right there in the snow, in the middle of south Chicago, untouched. It was definitely a tender mercy from the Lord!
Hello everyone!

Sunday we were an hour late to Church because the other pair of sisters got the car stuck trying to get out of their garage when they were trying to come pick us up. After an hour of trying to get the car unstuck, they called the Elders that also serve in our ward.  Those Elders left church building, all 4 of them, and got the car unstuck in about 3 minutes! So no missionaries were in our ward for the first hour of the church services. The rest of Church was good though. We had some investigators there so that always makes us happy. We also got a new Ward Mission Leader that called us and already scheduled us an appointment with some less actives and scheduled MCM so he is going to be amazing! The rest of the day was spent in studies and looking for people, nothing as interesting as the night before!

Wow, time really is starting to go faster! I am loving it out here and even though I miss you all like crazy, it is getting better every day! I hope you have an amazing week and remember how much I love you all!

Hermana Allyse Meanea