Monday, March 3, 2014

Goodbye Christmas Tree, and Transfers... or not

We had to send our emailed letters from McDonald's today,
the libraries that we normally use are closed for Palaski
Day here in Chicago, and the Elders locked us out of
the church building (not on purpose, they just didn't
leave the key in the lock box for us)
Hello Amazing Family and Friends! How are you all doing? Life is good here in Chicago. It was a pretty normal, granted as normal as doing what I am doing can be, week here!

Last Monday after our email time, he rest of P-Day was good. We did our grocery shopping and then had some time to write letters and such. That night we went tracting before our Noche. On the second house we knocked this lady invited us exclaiming she couldn't believe we were out when it was so cold, it was actually a pretty mild night. She wanted us to warm up so she asked what we were doing and we told her we were missionaries sharing the Gospel. She invited us to teach her right there! She is really crazy but it was so fun to teach her. She asks a lot of questions and it can be hard to keep her on topic, but it was great! We gave her a Book of Mormon and she said she would read it and invited us back on Friday! We then had a Noche de Hogar with a great member family. That family had actually talked with a recent/convert less active member family about hosting the Noche at their house. It was great because we haven't been able to see them forever.

Tuesday we spent some time looking for former investigators and then had a really good appointment with one of our less actives. She loves to talk and talks to us in English so we actually have some great conversations. She gave us several recipes for Mexican food which made us really excited because those can be hard to get because most the time, Mexicans don't write them down and it can be hard for us to understand in Spanish. We also had our Noche with the another member family and that was good.

Our last District Meeting with
Elder Haggard as our DL
Wednesday we had District Meeting. It was really good but also really sad because it was Elder Haggard's, our District Leader, last. We discussed how to answer questions of the soul and shared ideas of what we have done to help resolve concerns. We also had District Lunch at Hibachi Grill so that was fun too. That afternoon we went around trying to see different people. That night we had an apartment clean check. An Hermana from the ward came over and had to fill out a form for the mission office saying we were keeping everything clean. It wasn't too hard to get ready for because our apartment is just always pretty clean.

Since we had an apartment
cleaning check, we decided
it was finally time to dispose
of our Christmas Tree
Thursday we had a good lesson with one of our investigators. We taught him the Law of Chastity, which is always an interesting lesson. But it went pretty well and he is sooooooo ready for baptism! He is even at the point where he wants it. But, he hasn't come to Church yet because he has to work on Sundays because he is in such deep debt! It is so sad because he is so ready! We also had a lesson with a former/potential investigator. It has been several years since she was taught and she seemed pretty interested when we taught her the Restoration. That night we did some weekly planning.

Friday we tried to have a lesson with one of our really golden potential investigators. We went there at the time we had scheduled the appointment for and he wasn't there. As we were waiting for the bus he drove past and said he would be back in an hour. We went back and he was there but he took forever to come out. While we were waiting for him, his granddaughter had us play airplanes with her, it was cute. He finally came out but was leaving again to go sell things. Ahhhhh! He seems so golden and like he could really progress, but we don't ever get to teach him. That evening we had another lesson with the lady we met tracting on Monday. It was another crazy but good lesson. She had read to 2 Nephi already! We gave her a BOM just on Monday and she had already read everything up to 2 Nephi! We taught her the Restoration and it seemed to really touch her, it was just hard to keep her on topic sometimes because she loves to talk. She said she would keep reading and even share it with her daughter. She is so fun, we love her! That night we had a scheduled appointment with a recent convert/less active, but when we showed up at his door with our member, he wouldn't answer his phone to let us into his attic apartment. That was a little sad because we haven't been able to see and teach him forever.

On Saturday Hermana Black and I had the car that we share with the other Hermanas for the day and we went and vacuumed and cleaned the inside of it because it really needed it and we knew the other Hermanas never had time because they are so busy. We then had MCM and it was really good. Our new ward mission leader is already doing so much to increase the ward mission effort, it is so wonderful. After MCM some of the ward missionaries brought food to feed us so that was fun. That evening we went around trying to contact some people, but no one was home, or answered their door. We were able to contact a family that we have been trying to work so hard with. Of course they were on their way out, but it was contact! We also got transfer texts tonight, and we will not be getting transferred! I am so happy because I love this area and the people here!

I love being out on the streets of
Chicago in a snow storm!
Sunday, unfortunately, we only had 3 hours of Church. It is unfortunate because that means that our investigator wasn't able to come to church during the time that the other ward meets. :-( We then went home and had studies, and then got to eat! Fast Sundays are great, but eating at the end is sure nice. That night we went around trying to follow up with some former investigators. It started snowing again so that made me really excited. There is just something about being a missionary in the snow in Chicago that makes me so happy, I love it!

I love you all so much and can never thank you enough for all of your love and support! I hope you have an amazing week! I love you!

Hermana Meanea