Monday, May 19, 2014

CRAZY Week in Indiana (if 5 days in a hospital is crazy to you, it is to me)!

The lovely view from temporary lodging for 5 days
Sweet Family and Friends!

Remember how I have said before that Hermana Escobar and I have had some crazy adventures and weeks? How I said, "It can't get crazier than that!"? Well, I lied. This week definitely takes the cake. It has been crazy and long. But is all good.  We have definitely experienced, and learned, and felt a lot! I promise that all that I wrote here is true. Believe it or not :-)

Fabulous P-Day. It was wonderful because I was able to spend a lot of time chatting back and forth with my family. We also got some good grocery shopping done. After P-Day we drove over to Chicago Heights for a lesson with a less active family. It was a really good lesson. We discussed Elder Ballard's conference talk about Following a Up and introduced them to Preach My Gospel. Their 12 year old had a LOT of questions. He is so fun and compares everything to Star Wars. When he found out that we don't have TV and aren't even allowed to watch TV, he asked what we did. We told him that we read our scriptures. He was like, "WOW! That is a real Jedi!" So yeah, it is official, I am -real Jedi now because I am a missionary, it's pretty cool! :-)

On Tuesday we had Zone Training Meeting. It was...interesting. It was really good, but also kind of hard for many. It was a call to repentance for everyone, which is always difficult to take, but we learned so much from it. There have been so many problems in our mission with disobedience with the iPads. President Woodbury called and commanded us to repentance and taught us important principles on being obedient with the iPads. While he was doing that, he had us all turn in our iPads and he had Elder Taggart go through and check them. I was so glad that I have been obedient and had nothing to hide or be ashamed of on my iPad! Of course there are always areas I can improve on, and I have some plans to do that, but it was so nice to know that Hermana Escobar and I feel that overall we are doing really well with using the iPads as effective tools but not being disobedient with them. The rest of the afternoon we spent at home for Hermana Escobar. She was able to get a blessing from President Woodbury, and in it he said that she needed to do nothing for a day and a half. So that is what we did. We went home (after a quick stop at Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch of course) and watched the Hastening of the Work of Salvation broadcast. She then slept for the rest of the afternoon and I studied and cleaned. 

Wednesday I spent the morning cleaning, studying, and packing for exchanges. We were also able to get together some clothes and other things to donate to a girl who is leaving for a mission next week and she has nothing. We then went on exchanges with the Hermana Training Leaders. I went up to Midway with Hermana Smith while Hermana Escobar stayed with Hermana Whitney in our area. It was so great because it was like going home, almost back to my old area. We spent the afternoon doing stop-by's of different old potential investigators. Nobody was home. We did have one really neat street contact though. We started talking to this one woman who was walking her dogs. We explained who we were and our message. She thought it was great what we were doing but wasn't really interested. We asked if we could share the Because of Him video and we did right there on the street using our iPad. It was so powerful, she started crying! We were able to talk to her a little more and I felt impressed to give her a Book of Mormon so I did. I explained about it and I testified and it felt so good! She isn't an official potential investigator but we definitely planted a deep seed for the future. 

Hermana Escobar in the hospital with her get well gifts
Thursday...was interesting to say the least! We decided the day before that we would push the time back to exchange with our companions because otherwise we wouldn't have time for studies. So we did studies and then we were getting ready to leave to go to a funeral that we were going to sing at. I received a call from Hermana Whitney, who was with Hermana Escobar, and this is what she said: "Hermana Meanea, I need you to not freak out (Hermana Escobar told her to say that :-) but Hermana Escobar is being admitted to the hospital." I was like WHAT?!?! Apparently she woke up that morning to the entire left side of her body being numb and a excruciating pain from her head to her toes any time she moved, not good.  After talking with the mission nurse and trying urgent care, they took her to the ER and the doctors decided to admit her. I was so worried and so felt so horrible that I wasn't there with her. Hermana Whitney said they were just waiting so she wanted us to go to the funeral and then come down. We went to the funeral, and it was so great to see my old district and talk with my former companion Hermana Black, but I was so preoccupied, all I wanted to do was get back to Hermana Escobar. We found out that the funeral wasn't going to actually start until later in the day, so we just left and drove to Indiana, it was the longest drive of my life. We stopped at the apartment just long enough for me to grab some stuff that we would need and then we got to the hospital. Hermana Escobar had just got put in a room after having an MRI and cat scan. She was doing better because they had given her a good drug cocktail for the pain. Some Elders were able to come and give her a blessing, it was powerful. The Sister Training Leaders arranged for the other Hermanas to cover the Noche they were supposed to have with members and investigators in their area, and they stayed the entire evening with us.  No one had any answers, they were just doing a lot of tests. Our District Leader was so awesome and brought us a pizza because us other three Hermanas were starving. After talking with President Woodbury,  and the decision was made to send the STL's home and we would see what things looked like in the morning, hoping for answers. So Hermana Escobar and I spent a very restless first night in the hospital. We were too anxious and stressed, it was hard to sleep. So, yeah, that was our Thursday!

Hermana Escobar and I at the hospital
Friday, a day we were hoping for answers, came, but the answers didn't come. We were just doing a lot of waiting and sitting and resting. They took 4 different labs of blood to test, but nothing showed up. We were able to get together with 2 other sets of sisters to make arrangements for me to be able to go home for a few minutes, shower, change, and get some other things we needed, and to take our car back to the hospital because it was still at the apartment building. The afternoon was spent waiting for Hermana Escobar to be able to take a full body MRI and Vision Evoked Response test, but it never happened because everything was so backed up in the labs. President Woodbury was able to come see us and gave Hermana Escobar another very powerful blessing. It was neat because in the blessing he talked about how The Lord had intended us to be companions at this time because I was supposed to be able to take care of her. I have definitely been trying my best and don't want to leave her side for anything. In the afternoon she started having a really bad chest pain, but her heart monitor didn't show anything. They took an emergency EKG but nothing there either. It eventually subsided slightly, but just adds to the mystery. This night, some of the Sisters brought us chocolate milk shakes and coloring books. That night was a lot better in the hospital because we were both so utterly exhausted that we slept really well. 

The chair I got to sleep in by Hermana
Escobar while she has been in the hospital
Saturday started early with a full body MRI and X-Rays at 7:30 am. This was the worst time for me because Hermana Escobar was gone for 3 hours and I was alone. I hated not being with her and not knowing what was going on. That time passed very slowly. She finally was brought back and we had lunch before she was finally able to have the Vision Evoked Response test. This one I was able to go with her to. It was kind of funny because she got all of these electrodes hooked up to her head and had to stare at a red dot on a checkerboard screen. We then went back to the room where Hermana Escobar rested for a while because she was so exhausted from all of the tests. We also found out that we would probably be there until at least Monday, waiting for all of the test results to come back. A little bit later a nurse told us there was a chance she could be released that night. But the results never came in, so she wasn't. We did have a visit from our ward mission leader and his wife. They brought us tacos and we had a good visit. That night, at the pleading of Hermana Escobar, we did a mini exchange with the English Speaking Sisters. I really didn't want to leave, but Hna Escobar was very forceful. :-) Sister Spackman stayed with Hermana Escobar and I went with Sister Goff. We ran home so I could grab things and then we slept at their apartment. It was nice to sleep on a bed and to actually sleep the whole night without vitals checks, 5:00 AM blood labs, heart monitors going off, and every other sound that kept us awake in the hospital!

Hermana Escobar and I at the hospital with her stuffed bear
Sunday morning I went to the English Ward PEC and then MCM with Sister Goff. We then had Sacrament Meeting. It was so weird going to a sacrament meeting in English.  It was the first time in 8 months!!! Everyone was so confused about why we were together but it made sense when I explained that we did it so I could take care of the Spanish Branch and Sister Goff could cover her ward. Hermana Escobar and I had our investigator and recent converts come to church so Sister Goff and I went to the Spanish classes to be with them. Stater Goff was so sweet to be so willing to attend the Spanish Branch meetings even though she doesn't know any Spanish. It was good and everyone was so worried about Hermana Escobar. Finally, after church I was able to get back to my companion. I missed being with her so much!  That afternoon we had a TON of visits from the Branch. The Elders came first to administer the Sacrament, but they weren't able to do it for nearly 4 hours because of all the other visitors that flooded in.  They all brought food and little get well presents and talked a lot. Finally the Elders were able to administer the Sacrament to Hermana Escobar and get on their way to the branch presidente's house for dinner. The rest of the evening was spent with Hermana Escobar resting because she was SO exhausted from all of the pain and from all of the visitors. She is semi okay as long as she is on strong enough pain mess, currently Tylenol 3 with codeine. We had a last set of visitors.  It was good and we had a lot of laughing. It was another very long day. No answers yet but we are hoping that she will be released tomorrow! 

Hermana Escobar hoping she can
be released after her 5 day hospital stay
It has been so amazing to me because Hermana Escobar has never stopped sharing the Gospel. We talk to every nurse that comes in. We have given away a couple of Book of Mormons, and even taught the Restoration. We have a super cool story. Saturday night we met a nurse who is actually a member of the English ward. We were talking with our nurse and about how we are from Utah. She was like, "Oh, this nurse that I know is trying to get to Utah!"  We put two and two together and figured that this nurse might be a member :-) We found out that she is the only member of the Church out of 1800 workers here at this hospital! Our nurse introduced us to this nurse member and we talked for just a minute. On Sunday the member nurse came up and found me and told me that she was supposed to get off at 12:00 am that morning but she ended up staying until 2:00 am having a Gospel discussion with her coworkers because her coworkers know us and have seen all of the missionaries going in and out. Now the member nurse is getting her co-worker's contact information and they will be some amazing referrals for the English Sisters! The member nurse came back in early Monday morning and was actually our nurse (she might have requested to be assigned to us) and she spent some time telling us about her missionary experiences and we shared in her excitement. How cool is that?!?! 

So yeah, that was our week. With today being our Monday P-day, we are hoping that all of the medical test results come back today and that the doctors will decide to discharge Hermana Escobar.  Whatever happens, our past week has been crazy. But we have had so many blessings, so many tender mercies. I know that the Mission President telling Hermana to stay in bed for a day and a half was inspired because as soon as that day and half ended, that is exactly when the problem became apparent. If she hadn't listened, what would have happened? Maybe it would have been worse, maybe she would have pushed it to far, who knows? Then it was such a miracle that we were on exchanges and that Hermana Whitney was with her because she was able to take care of things because I don't know if I would have been okay in the ER. Overall, it is such a tender mercy to me that I have been in the hospital since Thursday with no problems. You may remember that I have this problem with medical facilities.  I pass out anytime I am in them. But I have had no problems because I have needed to be here with my companion and my Heavenly Father needed me to be here. Our Father in Heaven is SO amazing! I love Him and know He love us more than we can imagine. I hope that you all have an amazing week and that I have not as quite of an exciting one! :-)

Eternal Love,

Hermana Allyse Meanea
Sent from my iPad from the Illinois Chicago Mission