Monday, June 2, 2014

Come What May and Love It!!!

Hi Everyone!!! How are you all doing? This week here in Indiana hasn't been quite as exciting and interesting as past weeks, thank goodness!!! Unfortunately, Hermana Escobar still isn't doing so good and so we just spent a lot of time letting her rest this week. But we had some good times too, don't worry! :-) Nothing is ever boring with Hermana Escobar and me!

Memorial Day BBQ in Indiana...
We had such a fun P-Day on Memorial Day. We went with the English Sisters to one of their member's family's barbecue. We had a great time just talking with everyone and enjoying that kind of atmosphere, you don't get that very often as a missionary! It was so warm today too, one of the first really humid days of the summer, I think I am in trouble! :-) Monday evening Hermana Escobar was so wiped out from the whole day, so I left her with Sister Goff who needed to pack for transfers, and I took Sister Spackman with me to an dinner appointment with a member. After getting lost and a crazy rain storm, we finally got to their house and had dinner. It was some super good carne asada. For the lesson, I was basically on my own. The family knows English but the mom is definitely more comfortable communicating in Spanish so I taught in Spanish all by myself. It was such a good lesson, I truly felt the Spirit working through me. I had no idea that I could speak and understand that much Spanish until it was up to me to have to be able to. It just felt so good and the lesson on repentance was definitely the one the mom needed to hear because she is so worried about her own children. It was just so amazing because I could definitely tell that I was following the Spirit and my mouth was being filled as I opened it. It was neat because the lesson that I shared was not the one we planned to share when we planned for it during comp study because Hermana  Escobar couldn't go. So we planned to play the Plan of Salvation game, but then the pieces weren't there that we needed. So then, I decided on the Scale of Righteousness and talking about repentance, and that is EXACTLY what she needed, even though I didn't realize they had taught that to this family several months ago! It was so amazing to see how Heavenly Father can work through us when we are so open to His direction (and in my case, desperate! :-)

Memorial Day Wagon Ride
Tuesday we helped the Sisters at their burnt out apartment. We tried to pack up as much as we could and bring it to our place. I spent the rest of the day going through and organizing and cleaning (or attempting to) everything. We had a really good lesson with a member family that night and talked about the "Big Picture" which is how the steps of the Gospel lead to Eternal Life and the three basic things we need to do each day (prayer, scripture study, and attending Church) to progress on that path. It was a good lesson with them.

Wednesday we had a good District Meeting where we talked a lot about the importance and power of using the scriptures in our teaching. We also talked about acting with urgency and making sure we keep our lessons 45 minutes or less so that they are powerful and the Spirit is there. This is a very big challenge in the Spanish program especially, but we have definitely been working on that this week. We then had a fun District Lunch at Culvers, it was super yummy. Next we decided to stop by a member's home because it was their daughter's day off and we wanted to see if we could talk with her because the parents wanted us to teach her. She wasn't home so instead we talked with the mom a little bit and taught her a lesson about the Gospel and the "big picture". It was super good for her and definitely gave her an excitement of missionary work and the desire to share the joy and knowledge that she has with others. We then spent the rest of the day helping the Sisters finish up at their apartment. We got everything out that they want and now we just have to wait and see what the Church wants to do with some of the salvageable furniture.

On Thursday morning we made the trek to LaPorte to the Chiropractor. He helped Hermana Escobar who had been in a lot of pain. But, it is like a double edged sword because that relief literally lasts for about 5 minutes and then it is like double the pain. :-(   We stopped in Valparaiso on the way home and dropped off all of Sister Goff's laundry at the Valpo Sisters apartment so that they can wash it for her (one of their members bought them their own washer and dryer!) and then we drove to Chicago Heights for our appointment with a member Hermana. She made us some super good soup and then she got to work on Hermana Escobar. Her son, who is an athletic trainer and studying massage therapy, gave Hermana Escobar an intense massage on her arms (they have been numb and tingly and she hasn't been able to use them very well, plus they hurt a lot), that helped her get feeling back. Then the Hermana gave us all of this Mexican natural medicine to try for all types of things. Hermana Escobar is so desperate at this point that she is just trying it all!

Friday we went to Chicago Heights and taught a less active Hermano. We talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon and it went really well. It is really neat to see him really start to trust us and have the desire to change and to come back. We invited him to Church but he says he just doesn't feel ready yet, so we will work on that! We then went to our Doctors appointment with the neurologist. He said that everything had come back negative from various tests and their was nothing wrong with her. After examining her, he just ordered more blood tests, for her to get a medical work up by a doctor, and to come back in three weeks. It was just so exasperating because everyone says nothing is wrong, but with the insane amount of pain she is in, it just doesn't make sense. That afternoon was super rough on the both of us. We tried to do weekly planning but it just wasn't working. Hermana Escobar was just in so much pain and so worried and unsure of everything. We called and talked with the Sister Training Leaders and then went to the church building and the Elders gave her another blessing. It was a really good blessing and basically just told her to have patience, not exactly what she wanted to hear, but what she needed to hear!

On Saturday morning we went with the English Sisters to do some service at a dog kennel for one of their members. She is paying for 10 dogs to stay there but the owner has just stopped taking care of them so the sisters have to go and do it. We had to clean out their kennels and feed them and everything. It was so sad to see them there, obviously not having been taken care of in long time. Hermana Escobar and I then drove to Chicago Heights to help a Hermano with his Facebook. He had told us that he wanted to make it more appropriate and uplifting. Hermana Escobar mostly helped him, there was some pretty interesting stuff on there that she had to help him hide! We then went to the Hermana who has helped Hermana Escobar earlier this week. She gave Hermana Escobar a back massage and more medicines. Then her son massaged her shoulders and made it so that she could actually lift her arms!

Sunday was a rough day at Church, mostly because my companion almost passed out and was in so much pain. It really is killing me to see her hurting so much and not be able to do anything about it. But, we had a less active family come to Church and I was so excited because they came early to come to classes, which they had never done before! They had asked us for the number for the branch president the day before and when they showed up to Church, they told us that they had talked with Presidente and were going to start Temple prep classes! The man and woman have been engaged for over a year now and now we find out it is because they want to be sealed in the temple! So now they are trying really hard to take the steps to make that possible! This is so exciting because we have been trying to work with them so much and to help them. We didn't' have anyone else there so we were able to go to their Temple Prep class with them and kind of help out in there. The afternoon was spent with Hermana Escobar resting and I studying. I then took Sister Spackman and we went to our dinner appointment with Presidente and his family. It was good, once again I realized how much Spanish I really do know when it is all up to me!

So that was our week, nothing too interesting. I feel so sad for my poor companion. Neither of us know what to do but we are just doing our best to do as much as we can with what we have. We don't have answers yet, but we are just moving forward. Come What May and Love it! I love you all so much and truly thank you for your prayers, especially on my companion's behalf. I know that we feel them constantly supporting us through this rough time. We have faith that we are in God's hands and that all of this is for a reason, we just can't wait to figure out that reason! Have the most amazing week! I love you!

Most Spiritual Experience this Week: Definitely the lesson that I taught Monday night. I felt the Spirit in the lesson and recognized truly how my mouth was filled with words, because I had no idea what I was going to say beforehand.

Something I Learned in Personal Study: Jacob 3:1-2 - Jacob is talking to the pure in heart and giving us comfort and peace in the knowledge that as we look and pray to God in our afflictions, we will know that He is aware of us, has a plan for us, and that everything will be alright. Definitely something good that I learned this week!

Eternal Love,

Hermana Allyse Meanea

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